Featured Speakers
Guiding TFEST25: Our Expert Chairs
Prepare for an impactful TFEST25, guided by our exceptional Chairing Panel. We are delighted to introduce Chair Koray Köse, Chair Maria Villablanca, Vice Chair Bart De Muynck, and Vice Chair Sofia Rivas Herrera. Their combined expertise will provide a truly valuable conference experience.
Welcome to the TFEST25 experience
World Class Speakers
We source the best speakers, the most compelling case studies, the most inspirational stories and original research to inspire
One to One Meetings
TFEST is a networking event, powering collaboration, partnerships and business. At TFEST24 over 1,000 meetings took place.
Themed Lunch Discussions
Senior practitioners meet with sponsors to talk about their experiences and share ideas on how to tackle critical business issues
Site Tours
Learn from the best by visiting exclusive manufacturing, learning, digital and distribution hubs, hosted by senior leaders
Networking Re-Imagined
TFEST is built to create networking moments, whether during an extended lunch break, drinks reception, you'll get the chance to network like never before
Event Collaboration
TFEST is powered by our event app, allowing attendees to connect, message, arrange meetings, share content and view the live stream sessions, before and after the event